Ackworth School
Ackworth School
West Yorkshire
From Pontefract
- Take A639 towards Doncaster
- Turn right at petrol station onto A628 Ackworth road
- Follow road past the Brown Cow public house
- Turn Right into School immediately before pelican crossing
From Wakefield
- Take A638 towards Doncaster
- Turn left at second roundabout (garden centre & supermarket on left)
- Onto A628 towards Pontefract
- Pass Ackworth School main entrance on left
- Turn left into School immediately after pedestrian crossing
In School Grounds ** PLEASE DRIVE SLOWLY ... 5MPH **
- Drive straight on past car park and Coram house on the right
- Turn left opposite music centre
- Drive down hill passing tennis courts on right
- Car park is located at bottom of hill (do not park on grass area please)
- Walk back up the driveway a short distance and around pool building past large chimney then first right
- Pool entrance door is on the right at the bottom of the path
- Changing rooms are to the left and right
- Access to the pool is through the shower area
- Younger children may be escorted though the pool door in the foyer if prefered