Rookie Gold Award
1. Coil and throw a rope to a casualty 10m away and pull to
the side, in less than 35 seconds.
2. Enter shallow water and wade to a casualty 8m away using a
pole. Demonstrate a non-contact rescue. Instruct the casualty
what to do. Place casualty in the Support Position then assist to
land from deep water.
3. Demonstrate ant 2 from the following in clear deep water; fall-in
contact jump or shallow dive.
4. Swim 50m continuously in clothing (swimwear, long sleaved shirt,
trousers or a skirt) to a conscious weak swimmer, giving
instructions. Tow the casualty 25m to a point of support using a
non-contact tow in less than 3 minutes. Using the Support
Position, assist the casualty to land.
5. Swim 10m then demonstrate a reverse.
6. Swim 10m then demonstrate a Standoff.
7. Swim 20m to an unconscious casualty. Surface dive and recover
an object from 1m depth of water. At the surface, swap the object
for an unconscious casualty. Turn the casualty and then perform
a swim and tow for 20m using sidestroke returning to shallow
water. This is a timed swim and must be completed in less than 2
minutes and 30 seconds. Shout for help.
8. Demonstrate Supported Rescue Breathing whilst waiting for help.
9. Swim 400m continuously (including 2 lifesaving strokes of
50m each)
10. Using initiative, assist 2 casualties in difficulty up to 10m away
from the side.
1. Coil and throw a rope to a casualty 12m away and pull to the side,
inless than 30 seconds.
2. Using initiative, assist 2 casualties in difficulty up to 15m away in
shallow water. A selection of rescue rescue aids will be available.
Demonstrate non-contact rescues of both casualties. Instruct the
casualties of what to do and assist to land. Treat for shock.
3. Following appropriate hand signals from land, swim up to 20m to
a point where an unconscious casualty has disappeeared from
sight in deep water. The pupil must be able to understand signals;
attract attention, move to the left, move to the right, go further
out, stay where you are, message understood, investigate object
in the water and return to shore.
4. (this item can continue directly after No.3) An unconscious
casualty is lying face down in the water 20m away. Swim to the
casualty. Turn the casualty over then perform a swim and tow for
20m using Chin Tow or Cross Chest Tow back to deep water or a
point beyond standing depth. Shout for help. Assess for normal
breathing. Commence Support Breathing whilst waiting for help
(for approximately 1 minute) With help then on the seen, place
the casualty in the Support Position ready to land the casualty.
STOP before any lifts are attempted. Explain what actions you
would then take.
5. Using any recognised competetive stroke, swim 400m
continuously in less than 12 minutes.
1. Swim 400m continuously in clothing(long sleeved top and trousers)
using three different strokes. Each stroke must be performed
continuously for a minimum of 100m (Lifesaving Backstroke,
Sidestroke, Breaststroke and Front Crawl) in less than 15 minutes.
Tread water for 2 minutes before removing additional clothing then
continue to swim Sidestroke for 50m to a point of support in deep
water. Climb out of deep water unaided.
2. Swim 20m head up Front Crawl in less than 25 seconds to an
unconscious casualty. Turn the casualty over then perform a
swim and tow for 20m using the Extended Arm or Chin Tow.
Shout for help. Assess tor normal breathing. Commence Support
Rescue Breathing whilst waiting for help (for approximately 1
minute). With help then on the scene, place the casualty in the
Support Position ready to land the casualty. STOP before any lifts
are attempted. Explain what actions you then take.
3. Swim 20m to an unconscious casualty. Surface dive and swim at
least 5m underwater to recover an object from 1m depth of
water. At the surface swap the object for an unconscious casualty.
Turn the casualty over then perform a swim and tow for 20m
using Cross Chest Tow to shallow water. Shout for help. A time of
2 minutes will be allowed from the start of the test to the point of
which both the candidate and casualty are in a position of firm
4. Using appropriate hand signals from land, direct another
swimmer to a point where an unconscious casualty has
disappeared from sight in deep water. The pupil should be able
to understand signals; attract attention, move to the left, move to
the right, go further out, stay where you are, message
understood, investigate object in the water and return to the shore.
5. Complete the Rookie Life Support Award (this can also be delivered
by the instructor using the materials in the Rookie Lifeguard
Instructor pack)